C'est avec une grande joie et une profonde satisfaction que nous vous annonçons que Lena a remporté le premier prix parmi 613 candidats de la classe de 10ème année lors de la 129ème édition du Concours de poésie Berthe Mouchette organisé par l'Alliance Française de Melbourne (AFM) ! Toutes nos félicitations !

With great joy and deep satisfaction, we are thrilled to announce that Lena has secured the first prize out of 613 candidates in the 129th edition of the Berthe Mouchette Poetry Competition, organised by the Alliance Française de Melbourne (AFM)!

The Berthe Mouchette Competition is renowned for its very high standards, and Lena has undoubtedly risen to the occasion!

The much-anticipated Awards Ceremony will be held at the St Kilda Town Hall on Tuesday, November 28th, from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm.

In addition to Lena's achievement, we must also acknowledge all participants from all year levels who dedicated time to prepare for this competition. Each of you deserves recognition for your commitment and creativity and certificates of participation will be awarded very soon.

We couldn't be prouder of Lena and the entire school community, and we eagerly look forward to celebrating her remarkable success at the Awards Ceremony. Lena's talent and dedication are a testament to the outstanding qualities of our school's students.

Félicitations, Lena, pour cette réalisation incroyable. Ta victoire est une source de fierté pour nous tous !

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