Academic success is the key to our quality programs. VCASS is ranked among Victoria’s very best schools.


Academic success is the key to our quality programs and we are ranked among Victoria's very best schools. We do not believe that a choice needs to be made to educate or train. An excellent school can achieve both – and we hold high expectations of our students in academic attainment as well as in their arts careers.

In the Academic Program, our ultimate goal is to encourage not only students but also the entire school community to become life-long learners who are prepared to meet the challenges of the academic and social world.

At VCASS we adopt a 'community of learners' framework where every member of the community feels involved in the school, either as a place to learn or a place for enrichment.



The Academic Program puts into practice processes that significantly raise the standards and learning outcomes of students.

The curriculum is built around the Australian Curriculum, the Victorian Curriculum and the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE). In developing student-learning programs for Years 7 to 10, VCASS ensures all students have access to the full range of Learning areas and Capabilities covered in Victorian Curriculum.

In Year 10, 11 and 12, students select from a comprehensive range of studies within the VCE, providing them with as broad a range of tertiary course options as possible. VCE results in the academic areas are remarkable and show that VCASS students are consistently able to achieve outstanding results.

The approach to academic curriculum planning and delivery at VCASS reflects current Department educational initiatives. We have moved away from outdated approaches that relied heavily on rote learning, to one that provides an engaging, challenging and student-centred program, characterised by creativity, innovation, networking and expertise.

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