LATEST 2023 SHAW PROGRAM | 15.03.2023


Student Reflection

SHAW week was a fantastic event, from the first activity to the last. The activities gave the
Senior years a chance to interact with each other outside of their streams. But also it gave
us a chance to address a wider range of important topics, including racism, the power of
words, different cultures, Australia’s past, a growth mindset, and more. I was fortunate to be
asked to speak at the assembly on my feelings about SHAW week, and although I did not
speak for everyone in the room I know my message was heard and many of my fellow
students felt validated. I was inspired by how strongly and firmly Natarsha addressed us -
she spoke with hope and faith. I found Natarsha and Eric Ageyman's visits such amazing
experiences. My hope is that for most people it opened up a new path of thought on how we
can better ourselves, our environment and the message we share with others. Let us share
the joy, culture and history that we all possess to make VCASS a more multicultural
environment. SHAW week is just the beginning, so we must work together as a school to be
our best.

Cecilia Dewar (CC)

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